Crafting Excellence from Original Aspirations — 2024 Jing’an District “May Day” Celebration Unfolds
Released on:2024-05-06 Views:

On April 30, the General Trade Union of Jing’an District held the “Crafting Excellence from Original Aspirations”—2024 Jing’an District “May Day” Celebration” at Shanghai Art Theater.

Attendees included Yu Yong, Secretary of the Jing’an District Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC); Shen Jun, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Federation of Trade Unions; Gu Yunhao, Director of the Standing Committee of the Jing’an District People’s Congress; Ding Baoding, Chairman of the Jing’an District Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC); Fu Jun, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Jing’an District Committee and Executive Deputy District Mayor of Jing’an District; Lin Xiaojue, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Jing’an District People’s Congress and Chairwoman of the Jing’an Federation of Trade Unions; Long Wanli, Deputy District Mayor of Jing’an District; Song Dajie, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Jing’an District Committee, and others. They awarded collectives and outstanding individuals honored with the National May 1st Labor Medal, the National Workers’ Pioneer, the National “Most Beautiful Trade Union Outdoor Worker Service Station”, and other titles.

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During the celebration, Yu Yong extended warm greetings to the staff and laboring masses who are working on various fronts throughout the entire district. According to Yu, in the vibrant pursuit of constructing a model of modernization with Chinese characteristics in Jing’an, the district’s workers have excelled in their roles, demonstrated proactive dedication, and achieved remarkable success in ordinary positions. Their efforts have illuminated the narrative of “labor as the greatest and most honorable, noble, and beautiful endeavor”.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and is also a crucial year for achieving the goals outlined in the “14th Five-Year Plan”. Yu encouraged exemplary workers and leading employees to be more conscious of shouldering important responsibilities of the times, treasure their honors, and unite in work, to scale new heights and achieve greater success. Yu hoped that they could inspire and mobilize more among laboring masses to actively engage in the primary efforts of Jing’an’s economic and social development with enthusiasm, a pioneering spirit, and an inquiring mind. He also hoped that workers throughout the district would continue to uphold and carry forward the model workers’ ethos, labor passion, and craftsmanship, with even greater enthusiasm, more tenacious efforts, and more intelligent creation, to open up new horizons in career development and collectively create a brighter future for Jing’an.

The event was divided into three chapters: “Hardworking Trade Union Workers”, “Advancing Trade Unions with the ‘Red’ Spirit”, and “Striving Trade Unions”. National May 1st Labor Medal winner Zhu Saijuan, “Shanghai Craftsman” Gu Xuefeng, Shanghai’s super-grade principal Liu Aiguo, and Zhang Jiajun, leader of Shanghai’s model collective and “red flag gainer” road cleaning squad, shared their extraordinary, touching stories in their respective ordinary positions. Their stories were titled “Three Things about a Foreign Enterprise Trade Union”, “Three Secrets to be a Craftsman”, “Three Pursuits of an Educator”, and “Three Challenges Overcome by the ‘Red Flag Gainer’ Squad”, respectively.

Lin Xiaojue launched the “Jing’an Model · Exemplary Workers” series of activities. In 2024, the General Trade Union of Jing’an District will organize six major activities across the district related to model workers and craftsmen, including “Campus Visit”, “Assistance for Enterprises”, “Pairing Support”, “Be a Live-streamer”, “Do Charity”, and “Exemplary Jing’an”.

The model worker and craftsman “master-apprentice” pairing activity was launched at the event. Five representatives of leading model workers and craftsmen, including Mao Qimin, a National Leading Worker; Zhu Daoyi, a recipient of the National May 1st Labor Medal; Zhuo Wenguang, Model Worker of Shanghai; “Shanghai Craftsman” Wu Hao; and Bai Yun, the “Most Beautiful Civil Servant in Shanghai”, paired with their “apprentices”. Mao Qimin and Qi Yinfeng expressed their thoughts as “master” and “apprentice” representatives, respectively.

Finally, leaders of the Jing’an Federation of Trade Unions, together with personnel from key business districts and landmark buildings, illuminated the “skyline” of Jing’an, launching the “Tribute to the Most Beautiful Workers” lighting event. During this year’s May Day holiday, the three major business districts of West Nanjing Road, Suzhou Creek, and Daning, along with the “One Axis and Three Belts”, four core functional zones, collectively lit up, showering the most radiant blessings upon the most admirable laborers!

Over 600 people attended the event, including heads of various departments, commissions, offices, and administrations of Jing’an District, sub-districts (towns), people’s organizations, and key enterprises managed by the district; representatives of leading model workers; the leadership members of the Jing’an Federation of Trade Unions; representatives from the federations of trade unions of sub-districts (towns); chairpersons, officials and staff representatives of the trade unions of government departments, public institutions, and enterprise groups.