Qiu Zhongning from Education Bureau of Jing'an District: Quality Education to Serve Residents' Lifelong Growth丨2024 Interviews with Heads of Departments, Commissions, Offices, and Bureaus in Jing'an District
Released on:2024-09-29 Views:

To study and implement the guiding principles of the 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and to reflect the vigorous efforts of Jing'an District in striving for excellence, the Shanghai Jing’an Media Center has launched a special program titled 'Aim at Modernization, Further Deepen Reform'—Interviews with Heads of Departments, Commissions, Offices, and Bureaus in Jing'an District. The program focusing on reforms, development, and practical efforts invites guests to share gains from and visions for creating Chinese modernization in Jing'an.


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Education Bureau of Jing'an District:

Quality Education to Serve Residents' Lifelong Growth

Jing'an has a long history, a developed economy, and a rich educational heritage. Historically, educational pioneers such as Cai Yuanpei, Chen Heqin, and Liu Fonian have left behind valuable intellectual heritage in this area. Education is closely related to all families and has a significant impact on society and people's livelihoods. Jing'an education has consistently upheld the educational ideals of these pioneers, continuously building a learner-centered educational ecosystem that serves the lifelong growth of every resident in Jing'an.



Education with international understanding: "Chinese heart, international vision"


Currently, Jing'an is developing into a central district of an international metropolis. In the field of education, the Education Bureau of Jing'an District is dedicated to cultivating students' national identity, international understanding, and global competence. It guides students to grasp the characteristics of the times, build cultural confidence, and develop a global perspective while enhancing their sense of mission to take on the responsibilities of the era.


In the primary education stage, Jing'an strengthens international views and multicultural education, enabling students to broaden their horizons, enhance their understanding, and cultivate consensus. The Shanghai Daning International Elementary School has proposed the development philosophy of "laying a foundation for global competence". This concept is organically integrated into the school's curriculum construction, which harmonizes the five dimensions of education (moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor education). Based on the characteristics of primary school students, the school guides the students in exploration and practice, clarifying the cultivation of primary school students' global competence from the perspectives of China, children, and curriculum.

In regular high schools, the district is piloting international courses to provide better course resources for enhancing the innovative qualities and sustainable development of outstanding high school students. Shanghai Shixi High School fully integrates the introduced IBDP international courses with Chinese courses, utilizing inquiry-based learning, research-based learning, and project-based learning methods. The school not only emphasizes the education of traditional Chinese culture and fosters students' sense of patriotism, but also encourages them to adopt a global perspective and promotes respect for and understanding of diverse cultures.

Not only focused on education with international understanding, Jing'an has also been committed to promoting scientific education for students. In the 45th Odyssey of the Mind World Finals in May, two teams from the Shanghai Daning International Elementary School won the primary school group championship in the AI Tech-NO-Art and Rocking World Detour divisions, respectively. Jing'an's scientific education focuses on courses. Schools adopt a deep integration teaching approach, merging various subjects such as information technology, practical skills, nature, science, and morality & the rule of law to create a new model for the localized implementation of national courses.

In addition, Jing'an has established over 70 distinctive innovation laboratories across various fields, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, life science, energy, information technology, and aerospace. Jing'an students can reserve time to use these facilities through the "Jing'an Personalized Learning Appointment Platform for Primary and Middle Schools Students", which provides strong support for those with innovative interests and potential.



Pioneering diversity education ecosystem in Shanghai


The educational ecosystem in Jing'an is rich and diverse, with a high level of quality and balance that consistently ranks among the best in the city. In the preschool education stage, Jing'an houses 12 municipal-level demonstration kindergartens and 43 municipal-level first-grade kindergartens, with the proportion of quality public kindergartens reaching 88.5%. In the compulsory education stage, Jing'an has one educational district, 14 education groups, and nine municipal-level new high-quality project schools. Jing'an also offers various types of schools, including Shanghai Jiulong Model Middle School, which serves school-age youth from economically disadvantaged backgrounds; Shanghai Huimin Middle School and Shanghai Gongkang Junior Middle School, both of which admit students from ethnic minorities; and Shanghai Shidai Middle School, the only boarding junior high school in Shanghai. At the same time, leveraging the advantages of university faculty teams, Jing'an has established schools such as the Shanghai International Studies University Suhewan Experimental Middle School and High School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy. Additionally, it collaborates with the Shanghai Xiehe Education Center to manage the Shanghai United International School Peiming Campus. In high school education, Jing'an District also boasts multiple types of schools, including academic regular high schools, characteristic regular high schools, and experimental demonstration high schools. With seven municipal-level experimental demonstration high schools and one municipal-level characteristic regular high school, Jing'an stands out as one of the districts in Shanghai with the most experimental demonstration high schools.

Jing'an District has already built a strong social reputation for its quality education. The Shanghai Green Indicator Assessment shows that Jing'an District performs excellently overall, with both academic quality and quality of study and life consistently ranking high over the years. Its "excellence rate of student physical health" increased from 59% in 2020 to 65% in 2023, ranking among the top in the city.



Education-friendly communities in the wave of lifelong learning


In the wave of lifelong learning, social education, as the most approachable form of education for the public, has become particularly important. In recent years, Jing'an has been working to create "education-friendly communities", to establish a modern educational governance model where "education is conducted in society, and society understands education". Particularly in 2022, the Education Bureau of Jing'an District collaborated deeply with Jiangning Road Sub-district to explore and design the "Lening Sharing" courses. This initiative leverages the historical and community resources of the sub-district to enhance the quality of schools' after-school education.

In family education guidance, Jing'an has implemented the "Top Teachers and Quality Classes Enter Families" project, creating an ecosystem of collaboration among families, schools, and communities to support student development. Furthermore, Jing'an has established an "Online School for Parents", covering all primary school families in the district, allowing parents to access resources as needed.  A dedicated Family Education Guidance Center has been set up, which organizes lectures every month to provide high-quality family education lectures for all parents in Jing'an. This year, 11 lectures have been held, with online views reaching 11,100.

In lifelong education, bridging the digital divide for the elderly in Jing'an to ensure they can share in the quality of modern life has become one of the key focuses of educational efforts. In 2022, Jing'an developed and released the Standard Guide for the Elderly in Jing'an District Overcoming the Digital Divide. Last year, this guide was upgraded from version 1.0 to 2.0. Moreover, a digital education curriculum for seniors was launched, covering 12 themes, including smart networking, smart government services, smart medical treatment, and smart mobility. In 2023, a total of 250 community outreach activities for senior digital education were conducted, achieving a project satisfaction rate of 98%. This year, there are plans to conduct 295 activities to continue supporting the elderly in overcoming the "digital divide".


"In summary, we will strive to achieve quality education to serve the lifelong growth of citizens!" said the Director of the Education Bureau of Jing'an District Qiu Zhongning. He added that Jing'an's educational authorities will thoroughly learn and implement the guiding principles of the 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, remember CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest expectations for educational work, practice a people-centered development philosophy, and ensure quality nurturing for children and quality education for students and that they will serve the people by providing benefits and convenience, continuously responding to the strong hopes of Jing'an residents for quality education.