Data Bureau of Jing'an District
Released on:2025-03-21 Views:

Main Responsibilities:


1. Implement and enforce laws, regulations, and rules related to data work; research and draft normative documents related to data work, formulate related policies, norms, and standards, and organize their implementation.

2. Coordinate the implementation of the national big data strategy; drive the implementation of tasks related to the construction of Digital China, coordinate data development and security, and research and analyze major issues in data development management; organize the formulation of special plans and annual plans in the data field and implement them; implement data compliance-related work.

3. Organize and coordinate data development management; coordinate and advance the development of a comprehensive data governance system, and facilitate the integration, sharing, and effective use of data resources; promote, guide, coordinate, and supervise the full lifecycle management of the collection, governance, sharing, opening, development and utilization, and authorized operation of public data across Jing'an District, and promote the integration and application of public data with social data; guide and promote the development and utilization of data resources in various socio-economic fields and facilitate interconnection and intercommunication of data resources across industries, departments, and regions.

4. Coordinate and promote the development of the digital economy and digital industries; research and propose the development goals for core industries in the digital economy, establish an evaluation system to promote the development of the digital economy, coordinate the advancement of major digital economy projects and national and municipal pilot demonstration projects, collaborate on the monitoring of digital economy activities, and promote the deep integration of the digital economy with the real economy; Formulate digital industry policies, coordinate and promote the planning of digital industry layout, advance new business formats and models based on digital technology and data elements, promote the improvement of the digital industry development service system, and facilitate digital industrialization and industrial digitalization.

5. Promote the deployment and construction of relevant digital infrastructure; organize the formulation of plans for the layout of relevant digital infrastructure, coordinate the advancement of infrastructure systems related to data elements such as computing power and blockchain, collaboratively promote the construction of digital network facilities, and guide the management and operation services of digital infrastructure; guide the planning, construction, and management of urban IoT sensing networks; collaboratively promote the achievement transformation and application of significant technological innovations in the field of data.

6. Coordinate and promote urban digital transformation; be responsible for the overall coordination, assessment and evaluation, and application promotion of major policy initiatives for urban digital transformation; organize the promotion of economic digitalization, life digitalization, and governance digitalization to optimize the urban digital ecosystem; coordinate and promote the development of a smart city.

7. Coordinate and advance the development of the basic data regulation; implement the requirements for the construction of the national basic data regulation and organize the formulation of supporting regulatory frameworks in the data domain; promote the development of the data elements market, research and propose policy recommendations for cultivating the data elements market, advance the development of data trading venues, coordinate the management of the data service industry, and promote the development of the digital business format.

8. Promote the development of the e-government service system; collaboratively advance the development of a digital government and guide the promotion of digital application development at the district-level departments; coordinate and promote the informatization of public services and social governance, and promote the planning and construction of systems for "One-network-wide Handling" for government services and "One-network-wide Unified Management" for urban operations; review the district-level digital construction, operation, and maintenance project and manage the expenditure budget.

9. Perform corresponding data security duties in the course of undertaking specific responsibilities; research and formulate data security-related policies and systems and organize their implementation; organize and carry out security monitoring and supervision of e-government application systems and digital infrastructure; coordinately promote the classification and hierarchical management of data resources and the development of data standardization; coordinate with relevant departments to advance the security assessment and supervision of cross-border data flow on the Internet; implement tasks related to national security in the data sector.

10. Fulfill additional tasks assigned by the CPC Jing'an District Committee and Jing'an District People's Government.




The Data Bureau of Jing'an District, Shanghai has established four organizations:

1. General Office

Be responsible for the daily operations and overall coordination and handle tasks related to official documents, information, confidentiality, petitions, archives, conferences, financial and asset management, and supervision; draft news promotions, information, government affairs disclosures, and important documents; Undertake work related to the management of officials' staffing, organization establishment, salary and welfare, education and training, and retired officials of the organ and affiliated units, and promote the development of talent teams; undertake the management of special funds for the digital industry.

2. Section on Data Elements and Industrial Development

Develop plans for digital economy growth and take the lead in advancing related work; organize the formulation of policies and measures to promote the development of the digital industry, coordinate the advancement of the digital industry layout and planning, promote the improvement of the digital industry development service system, and facilitate the deep integration of the digital economy with the real economy; formulate development plans for data elements and organize their implementation and take responsibility for the full lifecycle management of public data collection, governance, sharing, openness, development and utilization, and authorized operation; research and formulate supporting institutional regulations for data elements circulation, allocation, governance, and other data-related areas; organize the formulation of policies and measures to promote the development of the data elements market and coordinate the promotion of the data services industry's development.

3. Digital Advancement Section

Organize the formulation of major policy initiatives for urban digital transformation and promote their implementation, and advance the digitalization of the economy, life, and governance; promote the implementation of tasks related to the development of Digital China and coordinate the advancement of smart city development; review the digital construction, operation, and maintenance project and manage the expenditure budget; organize the formulation of plans for the layout of relevant digital infrastructure and undertake tasks related to the construction of the digital infrastructure system; formulate digital infrastructure management standards; guide the planning, construction, and management of urban IoT sensing networks; collaboratively promote the achievement transformation and application of significant technological innovations in the field of data.

4. Data Security and E-Government Section

Assume responsibility for drafting normative documents related to data work; formulate data security-related management systems and measures and organize their implementation; promote the development of a data compliance system; undertake the work of data standardization construction; undertake legal work such as administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation; promote the development of e-government service systems, coordinate the advancement of public services and social governance informatization, and guide the construction of large systems and platforms across departments and levels; guide and promote the planning and construction of systems for "One-network-wide Handling" for government services and "One-network-wide Unified Management" for urban operations; undertake the planning and construction work of information technology for the organ.


Contact Information:


Office Address: Building 2, Lane 1355, Qiujiang Road

Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30–11:30 and 13:30–17:00

Tel.: 021-56051629

Postal Code: 200040