Page 1 - 【上海日报】1月刊
P. 1

                                        keyw   rds                   Editor’s note:
                                                                     Jing’an sits at the heart of Shanghai. It represents the essence of the history and culture of the city,
                                                                     home to century-old buildings, big-name attractions, glitzy retail malls and charming art galleries.
                                                                     Annual music and art events give the district a distinctive ambience. In this series, we showcase the
                                                                     highlights of Jing’an.


        29 January                                                           January Keywords
                                             A running start to 2019


                                   About 4,800 runners welcomed 2019 on a healthy note, participating in running events. About 3,500 runners finished the 10-kilometer
                                   race from Jing’an Park to Daning Park. The other 1,300 runners completed a 5-kilometer race held at Shanghai Railway Station. They
                                   ran past district landmarks like the commercial hub of Nanjing Road W. and the Hengfeng Road Bridge. — Tigong

                                   Li Qian
                                          his month, the district’s lawmak-
                                          ers and political advisers held their
                                          annual meetings, called by locals
                                   Tthe “Two Sessions.” The meetings
                                   review progress in the year just ended and
                                   discuss the priority policies for the current
                                     Here are lifestyle projects set to be com-
                                   pleted in 2019 in Jing’an.

                                   Housing renovation
                                     In 2019, 1 million square meters of hous-
                                   ing will be renovated.
                                     Some 400 families will say goodbye to
                                   cramped living conditions with inadequate
                                   plumbing and toilet facilities.
                                     Also, 50 elevators will be installed in old
                                   residential buildings five stories or higher.
                                   Most of the buildings were constructed at
                                   least 50 years ago, when elevators were still   Zhangyuan Community in Jing’an — Jiang Xiaowei
                                   a luxury in China. The lack of elevators has
                                   made many elderly residents virtual prison-  down on paper waste.          at risk of fire.
                                   ers in their own homes because they can’t   Atop  the  toilets,  rainwater  collectors   To provide more safety, the district will
                                   negotiate stairs.                     will trap water that can be used for local   install 5,000 fire alarms as part of its “smart
                                                                         gardens. Solar panels will heat water for   city” program. Once an alarm is triggered,
                                   Environmental improvement             washing hands. Jing’an will also build 10   local police, firefighters and neighborhood
                                     In 2019, 80,000 square meters of park-  24-hour public restrooms.        officials will be alerted immediately via an
                                   land,  15,000  square  meters  of  vertical                                online system.
                                   greenery and 2 kilometers of greenbelts  Waste sorting                        The rosters of those on duty and the
                                   will be added across the district, covering                                maintenance records of firefighting equip-
       Scan on WeChat to have      roadsides and riversides, neighborhoods   In 2019, Jing’an will create 350 “model   ment will also be shown online.
       real-time update of what’s   and industrial parks.                neighborhoods” to recognize their prog-  Some  100  bike-parking  sites  will  also
       happening in the district.    Jing’an will convert 20 public restrooms   ress in sorting waste. Every day, 250 tons   be equipped with firefighting equipment
       (Chinese only)                                                    of wet waste will be processed and 48 tons
                                   into “smart toilets,” backed by computer-  of waste will be recycled.      in case an electric bike burns out when
                                   ized systems to monitor odors, hygiene and                                 charging.
                                   cleaning schedules. Toilet paper dispensers
                                   will be equipped with sensors embedded   Fire prevention
                                   with facial recognition technology to cut   Jing’an is dotted with old houses, many   CONTINUES ON C3
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