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C2  Jing’an                                                                                      Tuesday 29 January 2019  Shanghai Daily

                                                       Achievements in 2018

       economic data

       show progress

        In 2018, Jing’an collected tax rev-
       enue of 72.37 billion yuan (US$10.64
       billion), up 5.5 percent from 2017. No-
       tably, more than half of the district’s
       tax  revenues  came  from  foreign
        In  2018,  the  district’s  17  major
       shopping  malls  achieved  sales  of
       20.63 billion yuan, an increase of 22
       percent. Six regional headquarters
       of multinational companies set up
       offices in Jing’an.

       ‘smart city’

        Jing’an is home to the Shanghai   Historical stores selling venerated brands get a facelift along a renovated section of Shaanxi Road N. — Jiang Xiaowei
       Data Exchange, China’s leading big
       data center that hands an average
       30 million pieces of data every day.   Back streets redesigned to highlight uniqueness
       Jing’an has become an “experimen-
       tal district” to spearhead Shanghai’s   In  2018,  the  district  gov-  public spaces.  where the latest retail trends   digital  media.  Xikang  Road
       smart city comprehensive plan.
        In January, Amazon’s Web Services   ernment  released  detailed   Yuyuan Road will be reno-  are  showcased.  Self-service   will be an international sports
       subsidiary brought new blood to the   plans to spruce up 11 back-  vated  into  a  community  of   stores,  pop-up  stores  and   neighborhood,  and  Taixing
                                                                    dessert bars, book cafes and
                                                                                                                         and Maoming roads have been
                                          streets that feed into bustling
                                                                                               other crossover projects will
       “smart  city,”  cooperating  with  the
       district government to build Shang-  Nanjing Road W. Distinctive   workshops conducting classes   be introduced.  designated nightlife areas.
                                          features for every one of them
                                                                                                                           Renovation of Shaanxi Road
                                                                                                 Jiangning Road will be re-
                                                                    in painting, flower arrange-
       hai-Amazon AWS United Innovation
       Center in Shibei High Technology Park,   will be based on location, his-  ment and the tea ceremony.  developed to rival New York’s   N. was completed in September
                                                                      Nanyang  and  Fengxian
       where the data exchange is located.   tory and individual culture.  roads will attract trendsetters   Broadway or London’s West   2018. The 230-meter section
                                                                                               End. Tongren Road is set to
                                                                                                                         between Nanjing and Weihai
                                            Backstreets are part of the
        The  center  will  include  a  center
       where the latest technologies will be   city’s cultural DNA . Authori-  by opening boutique shops,   be the home of high-end gal-  roads is home to 17 shops sell-
       trialed before being applied to the   ties said they should reflect   designer  brands,  vintage   leries, museums and auction   ing venerated brands, including
       “smart city” plan. It will also help   the local lifestyle while mesh-  stores and popular eateries.  houses.     the 300-year-old Leiyunshang
       foster professionals in big data and   ing with concepts of modern   Wujiang  Road  will  turn   Weihai Road will be rede-  pharmacy and heritage-listed
       set  up  international  incubators  in   retail  and  people-friendly   from a food street to a place   veloped as an incubator for   Longfeng Cheongsam.
        In March, Linfen Road subdistrict                                                                        new housing,
       offered  a  real-life  prototype  of  a
       “smart city.”
        It built tens of thousands of digital                                                                    new lifestyles
       sensors — in restaurant kitchens for
       smoke detection, in sewers to monitor
       manhole-cover theft and in the beds of                                                                     In 2018, more than 3,000 families ben-
       the elderly to track their vital signs.                                                                   efited from the urban renewal project,
        Sensors automatically upload data                                                                        saying goodbye to old, cramped resi-
       to an analytics platform. Alerts will                                                                     dences. One of the major projects was
       be triggered if “abnormal figures”                                                                        in Pengsan community.
       appear.                                                                                                    It is a typical old residential warren
        “Many small retailers and restau-                                                                        where  thousands  of  people,  many  of
       rants don’t use electricity properly,”                                                                    them elderly, live in wretched conditions
       said Yu Linwei, a subdistrict official.                                                                   in decaying old buildings. The structures
       “Several times, smoke sensors have                                                                        were built about 60 years ago without
       alerted us to potential risks, and we   The former Shanghai Chamber of Commerce                           elevators and with shared toilets and
       were able to intervene before the situ-                                                                   kitchens. Two or three families shared
       ation escalated to fire. There are so                                                                     one kitchen and as many as 10 shared a
       many problems, like people living   Preserving the cultural landmarks                                     single toilet.
       on  high  floors  throwing  trash  off                                                                     New  apartment  buildings  will  be
       their balconies, drivers parking cars                                                                     erected to replace 11 decrepit structures.
       in banned areas and elderly people   In  2018,  Jing’an  completed  the   “The  chamber  strove  to  drive  the   Demolition is now underway. Residents
       who live alone and suffer medical   cataloguing  of  631  heritage  archi-  prosperity of the local business sec-  have moved out temporarily. They will
       problems.”                         tectural sites that have yet to receive   tor,  along  with  supporting  various   move back in two to three years to enjoy
        The safety of seniors living alone   protected  status.  Information  such   patriotic campaigns,” said historian   life in their “new homes.”
       — especially the 100 elderly who are   as the age and style of each building   Jiang Yihua.                Besides  major  overhauls,  many
       80 year or older — has been a major   was  registered  so  that  the  build-  The  three-story  red-brick  office   neighborhoods across the district have
       concern in the subdistrict. Sensors   ings wouldn’t be demolished during   building was in the style of Western   launched “micro-renovation” projects.
       have been installed in their complex,   urban renewal projects.      classicism,  featuring  a  symmetrical   Junked bikes littering neighborhoods
       including one at a gate to ensure that   Some historical buildings have been   facade adorned by pediments above   are a big headache for residential com-
       they are back home safely and one   renovated  and  given  a  new  lease  of   the gate and windows.      mittees,  and  also  an  eyesore.  But  in
       in their living rooms to detect move-  life. They include the former offices of   After the chamber was shuttered by   Yikangyuan  community,  the  eyesore
       ment.  A  third  sensor  is  installed   the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce,   the Kuomintang government in 1929,   has been turned into eye-catching art
       under  their  beds  to  monitor  vital   which reopened last June after seven   it was variously used as a school and   installations.
       signs and record how many times    years of renovation.              factory site. In the late 1950s, an elec-  Local officials collected abandoned
       they wake up every night.            China’s first modern chamber of com-  tronics manufacturing factory moved   bikes from residents and turned them
        Seniors suffering from dementia are   merce was founded in February 1912. It   in,  inflicting  major  damage  to  the   into art installations. Children were in-
       equipped with Bluetooth bracelets that   assisted in efforts to draft China’s first   building. In recent years, construction   vited to paint the bikes and draw on the
       connect with community sensors to   business law and opened the nation’s   on Metro lines and nearby skyscrap-  walls where the bikes were to be placed.
       alert officials if they get lost.   first arbitration service, its first com-  ers caused further deterioration of the   Currently, it has become a popular at-
        This pioneer project is expected to   modity exhibition hall, its first business   building.             traction among local residents.
       be expanded to all of Jing’an in the   library and the first retail mall selling   Now, it has been restored to its for-
       near future.                       diverse domestic merchandise.     mer glory.                                                     (Li Qian)
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