Page 4 - 【上海日报】1月刊
P. 4

C4  Jing’an                                                                                      Tuesday 29 January 2019  Shanghai Daily


       Moments                                                                                                   exhibition in May.

                                                                                                                  the museum’s archive of fine arts at
                                                                                                                 the site will be four times larger than at
       of January                                                                                                the original site and will become an art
                                                                                                                 branch of the Jing’an library.
                                                                                                                  it is all part of the district concept of
                                                                                                                 meshing art with local neighborhoods,
                                                                                                                 according  to  museum  director  Gan
       1. Go from strength to strength     2                                   4             Photo by Yu Ruwen   Zhiyi.
       RetaileRs on nanjing Road W. staged                                                                       6. Jing’an talent honored
       the biggest sale in the city’s commercial
       zones during the three-day new Year                                                                       JinG’an has honored 99 talented people
       holiday.                                                                                                  in recognition of their contributions to
        the popular commercial area is home                                                                      the district in economic, cultural, edu-
       to more than 1,800 brands — 60 percent                                                                    cational and medical endeavors.
       of  which  are  renowned  international                                                                    the district has issued a set of policies to
       names. it has become the most luxurious                                                                   attract more professional talent, including
       shopping area in the city.                                                                                providing low-cost housing and allowing
        Under the district government’s plan,                                                                    children to attend local schools.
       the district hopes to increase the share   3                            5
       of international brands to 90 percent
       in 2020.                                                                                                  7. Charity store with a twist
                                                                                                                 CoFFee from Yunnan Province and red
       2. Exhibition of nostalgia                                                                                dates from Xinjiang Uygur autonomous
                                          and upgraded to a modern facility or a   5. Art museum gets new site   Region are some of the products on sale
       old doorplates, enamel cups and empty   film-related museum.
       candy  tins  —  items  rooted  in  local                              the shanghai Minsheng art Museum    at a community charity store that opened
       residents’ childhood memories — are on   4. ‘Neon-lit men’            moved to a new site in the innovation   this month in the Caojiadu subdistrict.
       exhibit in the cultural activities center of                          Galaxy of Jing’an this month.        the store, at 488 Yanping Road, sells
       the Jiangning Road subdistrict.    seven  “neon-lit”  art  installations  in   over the past 10 years, the museum   everything  from  clothes  and  toys  to
        the free exhibition of old items and   the shape of walking men have made   has moved from the creative industrial   home appliances, all donated by local
       photos will run through February 18.  tongren  Road  a  popular  attraction   park  Red  town  to  the  former  French   companies and residents.
        “Most  these  items  come  from   among local people.                pavilion of the 2010 World expo.     they are priced at between 30 percent
       residents,” said organizer Wang Yunqi.   the  seven  installations,  about  2.2   to make room for urban renewal, it   and 70 percent below market prices.
       “they represent grassroots culture and   meters high, emit pink lights at night.   is  now  moving  to  innovation  Galaxy,   Unlike other charity stores, it has set
       help people remember our history.”   they were erected in front of shops or   former site of the shanghai Metallurgical   aside an area specializing in agricultural
                                          beside flowerbeds, creating a scene of   Mining Machine Factory.       products from the subdistrict’s “sister
       3. Old housing to be removed       people passing by.                   the new site is expected to open for   counties” in remote regions of Yunnan
                                            the  art  project  hopes  to  add  some   trial operation in april.   and the Xinjiang. the shop is open from
       PeoPle living in old, decrepit housing   artistic bounce to the commercial zone   Japanese contemporary artist tatsuo   8:30am to 5pm every day.
       in the Baoshan Road subdistrict will be   and create a more people-friendly area.  Miyajima will be invited to open the first       (Li Qian)
       relocated to new homes.
        More than 99 percent of 5,700 residents
       living  in  an  old  community  between
       Baoxing e. and Baotong, Zhongxing and   6                                                 7
       Zhijiang  roads  have  agreed  to  move.
       Relocation will start in February.
        in the community are old shikumen-
       style  homes  with  shared  toilets  and
       kitchens,  unlicensed,  jerry-built
       structures and old government houses
       erected  about  50  years  ago.  every
       flood season, some residents had to be
       evacuated to ensure safety.
        the redevelopment of the area will
       gather up to 50 companies, including
       the renovated shanghai Film technology
       Factory,  once  the  country’s  most
       important film processing base.
        the factory became obsolete over the
       years as production lines were closed
       and workshops were rented out. Under
       the plan, the location will be renovated
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