Page 3 - 【上海日报】1月刊
P. 3

Shanghai Daily Tuesday 29 January 2019                                                                              Jing’an  C3

                                                                                                    GoalS in 2019

                                                                                from C1                           be built. Jing’an will organize six free
                                                                                                                  medical consultations in communities
                                                                                                                  and provide free colon cancer screen-
                                                                               river cleanup                      ing for 150,000 residents. Colon cancer
                                                                                 The water quality of the Jiangchang   has become the No.2 most prevalent
                                                                                                                  cancer in Shanghai, with the incidence
       Mar                                                                     to a level that nurtures fish and allows   rate rising 4.2 percent every year.
                                                                               and Zhongyang rivers will be upgraded
                                                                               people to swim.
                                                                                                                  Cultural facilities
                                                                               elderly care                         Renovation  of  the  Tianmu  Road
       Tulip festival                                                            In 2019, an extra of 250 beds will   branch  of  Jing’an  Library  will  be
        Millions of tulips in 45 different species came into full blossom in Daning Park   be added to senior care homes across   completed.
                                                                                                                    Restoration of the former site of the
       last spring. The array included orange blossoms which emitted a golden hue in   the district. A comprehensive senior   National Labor Union Secretariat will
       sunlight, white blossoms appearing as delicate as porcelain, and hot pink blossoms   care home will be built in a community,   be completed and the exhibition hall
       that swayed in the wind like dainty young ladies.                       providing a variety of services such as   will be renovated and upgraded.
                                                                               daycare, medical treatment and reha-  Restoration of the 97-year-old Yuanli
                                                                               bilitation nursing. Seniors will be able   Pawnshop, the largest and best-pre-
                                                                               to watch movies, listen to informative   served pawnshop in Shanghai, will be
                                                                               talks and attend cultural activities.
                                                                                                                  finished and operate as a museum.
                                                                                                                    Ten grassroots cultural service sites
                                                                               Helping the needy                  will be built in neighborhoods.
                                                                                 Jing’an will help 590 jobless young   Jing’an will provide 160,000 5-yuan
                                                                               people  find  employment  and  sup-  film tickets to residents, with subsidies
                                                                               port 800 people starting up their own   provided by cinemas and the district
                                                                               businesses, including 480 university   government.
                                                                               students and young people.
                                                                                                                  sports facilities
                                                                               education                            A  new  public  sports  field,  three
                                                                                 Construction of a branch of Yuyao   jogging  and  walking  paths,  and  25
                                                                               Road Kindergarten will be completed.   community-based fitness sites will be
                                                                               Two cage soccer fields will be built in   built. Lighting equipment at stadiums
       May                                                                     Also, 500 “Love Summer Care” camps   are open to the public will be reno-
                                                                                                                  and sports fields in 82 schools that
                                                                               schools and coaches will be trained.
                                                                                                                  vated. Free physical checkups will be
                                                                               for primary school students will be
                                                                               opened during the two-month sum-
                                                                               mer vacation to relieve the burden of   provided for 13,000 residents.
       Drama festival                                                          working parents.                   Food markets
        Modern Drama Valley, Shanghai’s an-  rural Shaanxi Province in the 1970s and                                Jing’an will renovate three wet mar-
       nual theatrical extravaganza, was held   A wide range of street theater per-  Medical care                 kets. Ten sites providing cheap, healthy
       last  May,  presenting  17  productions   formances were also staged by artists   In 2019, a traditional Chinese medi-  lunches for white-collar workers will
       from China, Russia, Lithuania, Poland,   in  popular  commercial  zones.  They   cine hospital and a new dentistry will   be upgraded.
       Australia,  France,  Britain  and  Japan.   included magic shows, improvised mini-
       Fourteen of the plays were Shanghai de-  dramas, freestyle dancing and bubble
       buts, and six were staged on the Chinese   shows.
       mainland for the first time.         Also, giant puppets were brought to
        Opening the festival was “Ordinary   life on the streets. Both local residents
       World,” adapted from the award-winning   and foreign visitors stopped to watch,
       novel of the same name that portrays   expressing amazement at the impressive
       the  lives  and  struggles  of  people  in   street performances.

                                               party’s anniversary
                                                 On July 1, the 97th anniversary
                                               of the founding of the Commu-
                                               nist Party of China, nearly 4,000
                                               people visited the Museum of the
                                               Second CPC National Congress to
                                               pay tribute to the birthplace of the
                                               Party’s constitution.
                                                 It is one of the most popular   Photo by
                                               “red” revolutionary sites in the   Yu Ruwen
                                               city, receiving an average 3,000
       Jul                                     visitors  every  day.  It  boasts           ‘Two SeSSionS’ voiceS
                                               China’s first Party constitution
                                               library, with booklets in different
                                               covers on display.
                                                                               Lawmaker Liu Qing                  Lawmaker Zhu Yiping
                                                                               suggested recordiing residents’ stories to   suggested fostering quality caregivers who
                                                                               preserve local culture.            can provide professional care to the elderly
       sculpture festival                                                                                         in their homes.
        Nearly  90  pieces  of  sculptured                                     Lawmaker Dong Jiyuan
       works by 40 artists from 14 countries                                   suggested venerated brands be linked to   Political adviser Shi Yanjun
       and regions were on display in the                                      new technologies to better compete with   suggested that high technology
       three-month  2018  Jing’an  Interna-                                    international brands.              companies make their voices heard on the
       tional Sculpture Project.                                                                                  world stage.
        This giant upside-down truck sculp-                                    Lawmaker Li Lei
       ture, designed by Austrian artist Erwin                                 suggested encouraging technology   Political adviser Wu Shujun
       Wurm, was the star of the show. It is                                   industries to set up offices in Shibei High   suggested promoting waste sorting in
       part of well-known “One Minute Sculp-  sep                              Technology Park.                   primary schools.
       tures Series” that captivated the world
       during the Venice Biennale in 2017.                                     Lawmaker Zhu Jianfeng                   Political adviser Ni Keliang
                                                                               suggested upgrading services at    suggested organizing more cultural
                    Major evenTS in 2018                          !            grassroots healthcare centers to relieve the   activities for senior citizens across the
                                                                               burden on comprehensive hospitals.
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